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I want my kids to get D1 scholarships

I Want The Best For My Kids

It's true, I would love it if my kids got Division 1 scholarships. It would be awesome if they got drafted and had a chance to play professional baseball. I do try to give them every opportunity to be successful in their chosen sport. I do push them.

It's become taboo to say these things. "Don't push them to hard, it will drive them away from their sport." "Don't specialize- specialization will lead to injury or burn out." "Be realistic, what are the odds of your kid getting a D1 scholarship."

I know all this. I have studied the effects of specialization. I understand the threat of burn out. I know the odds are slim of getting a D1 baseball scholarship and even slimmer of playing pro ball. But I still want my kids to get a Division 1 scholarships. I want them to play pro ball. I want them to be successful in their sport.

When did it become wrong to say these things? We met with our son's middle school guidance counselor. He asked Drew what his plans are when he grows up. Drew said he wanted to play pro baseball. The counselor chuckled a bit and asked Drew what his back-up plan was. Did Mike Trout's guidance counselor chuckle when Trout said he wanted to play pro ball? I'm sorry Mister counselor, but screw you.

We tell our kids to "chase your dreams." Then we tell them to have a back-up plan!?!?

Well I'm here to tell you that I'm going all in. If my kid says he wants to go D1 and play pro ball, then I'm all in.

I Trust This Process

All that said, I think there is a right way to give my kids the best chance of success. I do my best to abide by a "growth mindset" and to teach my kids a "growth mindset." Simply said a "growth mindset" focusses on growth and development (the process), not on the outcome. If you want to learn more about a "growth mindset" this is a great video-

There are a few things that I consistently try to do in order to give my son's what I believe is the best chance of success in their sport-

1. I focus on growth. I place as little emphasis as possible on the outcome of their games. If they believe the outcome is the most important thing, and not the effort that they give, it is a recipe for disaster.

2. I ask them to put "team first." I believe that putting team first reduces the pressure that they feel regarding their personal results. I want my kids to play with as little pressure as possible.

3. I give feedback based on their effort, energy, sportsmanship, leadership, and teamsmanship (made up word). These are things my kids can control.

4. I ask them to focus on the "process." The process is their physical and mental readiness. These are things they can control and things they can improve upon.

5. I try to give them space to find their own sense of accomplishment and motivation. If I constantly press them to practice they will not be doing it for themselves, they will be doing it for me. I know they must be motivated intrinsically if they are going to continue to work hard at their sport.

Trust me, these things are much easier said than done. When one my kids goes 4-4 I want to tell them how great they did. I want to take them to Dairy Queen and celebrate their success! The problem with that is what do I say when they go 0-4, have they failed? By focusing on growth, team first, feedback based on effort, the process, and intrinsic motivation, I believe I am giving my son's all the support they need to reach for whatever goals they dream about.

Best wishes to your son's or daughter's in making their dreams come true!

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