Mindset Training Part 3- How can Mindset Training benefit parents?
Parents play an instrumental role in the development of a mindset that will allow for optimal experience, development, and success for...

Mindset Training? Part 2- How Can Mindset Training Benefit Coaches.
In Part 1 of this 3 part blog series I discussed what Mindset Training is and how Mindset Training can benefit an athlete. Today, in...

Mental Toughness, Part One (what characteristics define mental toughness)
What does it mean to be mentally tough? How can someone become more mentally tough? This will be a two part blog. In Part one I will...

There is an "I" in team
Stay with me on this... "My dad (Ken Griffey Sr.) would have bopped me on the head if I came home bragging about what I did on the field....

Get the MindRite: Step #3- Own
Own If an athlete believes that a "growth mindset" truly works, and they use techniques that will allow them to consistently be focused...

Get the MindRite: Step #2- Practice
Practice One of the best tools that an athlete can use as they develop a "growth mindset" is a journal. A journal will allow an athlete...

Get The MindRite: Step #1- Understand
MindRite training was created to help athletes develop a mindset that will give them the best experience possible, the greatest chance for..