Mindset Training Part 3- How can Mindset Training benefit parents?
Parents play an instrumental role in the development of a mindset that will allow for optimal experience, development, and success for...

Mindset Training? Part 2- How Can Mindset Training Benefit Coaches.
In Part 1 of this 3 part blog series I discussed what Mindset Training is and how Mindset Training can benefit an athlete. Today, in...

Compete! How building a competitive fire can help long term growth.
Asking our young athlete's to compete, to really get after their opponent, or to have a killer instinct can often feel counter intuitive....

Thought Control
Am I in control of my thoughts? YES Is it always easy to control my thoughts? NO Every day I make choices about how I will think. When...

Mental Toughness, Part Two (training to increase mental toughness)
In Part One of Mental Toughness we looked at the characteristics that a mentally tough individual possesses. To re-cap these...

Mental Toughness, Part One (what characteristics define mental toughness)
What does it mean to be mentally tough? How can someone become more mentally tough? This will be a two part blog. In Part one I will...

There is an "I" in team
Stay with me on this... "My dad (Ken Griffey Sr.) would have bopped me on the head if I came home bragging about what I did on the field....